Miro Video Player | Share Miro

Sharing Miro is Sharing Our Mission

Miro is one of the world's most popular free, open-source software projects. But it's more than just great software: Miro is part of a fight to keep online video open. Dozens of major corporations are trying to lock video creators and viewers into closed and proprietary distribution systems. To them, proprietary models are just a way to make money by forcing viewers and creators to use their products. But if companies act as gatekeepers deciding what people see and what they don't, free speech online is threatened.

Two Reasons to Share Miro

Reason One: Miro is a slick way for your friends to watch all the shows they love, view YouTube videos in HD, discover fresh new web video programming, and more.

Reason Two: Our mission is to democratize television as it moves online. When more people use Miro, it sends an important signal to video publishers everywhere: open standards, interoperability, and decentralization matter!

The Absolute Best Way to Give Miro to Friends

Installing and configuring Miro on a friend's computer is the only foolproof way to get the job done. Miro is one of those applications where you need to see the HD video firsthand to understand why it's so cool. Also, you know your friends' tastes in video better than we do, so you can subscribe them to shows you know they will enjoy. So go ahead and offer to give them the only internet TV they'll need.

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